Monday 29 February 2016

Tilte Research and Design-Jess Smith

1.The Dark Knight Rises 

~This title sequence strongly suggests this is a thriller film, due to the use of dark grey's and black colour scheme and the off-screen, dramatic sound which creates an edgy feel. The sequence will appeal to the target audience because its at a fast pace and moves quickly, therefore not boring creates the anticipation that the rest of the film will as fast and action filled as the opening.

~The film title is set in a spaced, dark red font and every letter is a capital(Figure 1). The title is all in the same sharp, large font but the text 'the dark knight' is written in a much bolder font in comparison to 'rises' which is placed below. This suggests that throughout the film there are stand out moments in the overall story line. The text has also been tilted to the right slightly, implying there might be a huge drop in the story line, conforming to the thriller genre. The title has been placed on top of an ice figure that  creates a colour contrast against the black border, black text on the bottom and the dark red film title. This ice is then shown breaking (Figure 2), implying there is a shocking break in the film and the title then animated by being moved up with the ice and is titled to the left (opposite side compared to the first frame when it was tilted to the right of the frame). This works well because it travels with the ice, almost as if it's stuck to it. 

~There are a lot institutional references during the title sequence, such as the film producers which is Warner Brothers and showed their iconic moving houses, name and logo (Figure 3 and 4). However it has all been edited into a black and white colour scheme which conforms to the thriller genre. It then displays the entertainment company Legendary Pictures' logo and name on a black background (Figure 5). Similarly the publishing company DC Comics' logo and name is shown (Figure 6) which is also owned by Warner Brothers. But before the name and logo came up there was a very fast hint that this was a thriller film because they briefly showed a creepy face, causing enigma (Figure 7). All of these companies are then all named again following this in the same white text against a cloudy, black and grey background. But the company name is in a bolder, larger font in comparison to the rest of the text, making sure it stands out more. Shown in Figure 8,9,10 and 11). They then showed who the movie was made by (Figure 12). 

~There is a newspaper shown in the sequence and it has a old fashioned, quilted text on it (Figure 13), suggesting this film is set in past.

~The actors names are included in the title sequence and are all written identically in a large, white font with all capital letters. They have done this because it contrasts well the dark background and they wanted to show their target audience the well known actors they are going to be watching. Shown in Figure 14, 15, 16 and 17.

~The sequence creates a good relationship between the credits and the actual title of the film because they contrast with colours but they match by the having the shaping and size of the font, this mixture works well. The light colours  work well with the dark backgrounds and the darker text also creates a good look with the light moving image of the film. The fact that they've used red, white and black as their main 3 colours it creates that thriller feel to the sequence and is already working well for the genre as a whole because of the way they have spreaded them out. 

~Overall for the whole sequence the sound is non-diegetic. The title and credits are edited well through cuts to the dramatic, tense music and there are no sound bridges. 

~The introduction of the titles are displayed as soon as the sequence begins and before any moving images. The title of the film and the actors are written with moving images behind but this works well because it becomes more interesting, where are the institution names just had a blank screen. They did this order to build the sequence up. 

F1: Initial film title

F2: When the glass breaks







  • F7

1 comment:

  1. For future reference try to integrate your writing and images, as opposed to keeping them separate
