Tuesday 12 April 2016

EVALUATION Q4 by Maria Beardall

Who would be the audience for your media product?

 The target audience for our media product was within the 16-25 range, and for female and males.

We chose this age gap as we wanted to create a product for others similar to our own age, with our own interests. Alike with teens and adults, we also decided that our enjoyment of the product would mirror others and through customization to young adults (close as ourselves) would mean we would work much better to make it more suitable; therefore as others would also want it to be created.

We also feel it would be open to both genders, but perhaps as we were diverse with our choice in a female character, females would therefore relate to it more and is slightly more targeted towards them than males; yet is still open to both.

What other films would the target audience enjoy?

10 Cloverfield Lane

10 Cloverfield Lane (at an age rating of 12A) has an almost 50/50 percent gender split in popularity, with males being 59% of the viewing audience and females being 41%. Our estimated age rating would be very similar to their highest viewer audience, that being the 15-24 year old mark at 47%, and 25-34 year old viewers tying second with 12-14 year old viewers at 16%. This specific demographic is very similar to our own which makes it an ideal to our audience as a similar film to watch, and even though it is a drama, it holds a lot of suspense and mystery - making it thrilling to watch also - like our own film opening. It is cleverly targeted at the largest class, C1 (professional occupations, 30% of the UK's population, the highest in the class system) which makes sense as it was seen by 37% of that audience (the highest class percentage to watch) and therefore is estimated to make a high priced £8,000,000 at the box office - a clever schematic appeal to the largest class.

 Friend Request

Friend Request (at an age rating of 15) has a larger percentage of females, 63%, and a smaller percentage of males, 37%. This is similar, or even slightly lower, than what I expect our film would have in viewing rates as our film relates more to females. The highest age percentage is 68% resonating with 15-24 year old viewers, which may be slightly unfair to comment on as it was a fifteen certificate and could not be viewed by a lower age, therefore making the percentages higher for others. The age rating is still within what our film would be and therefore again works with similarities for what others would watch. It also connects teenagers and young adults more as more young adults use the internet, found in a survey here. It therefore links them and is presumable that the younger generation would be the most interested in the film. The highest class is yet again C1, at 34% (the highest class viewing figure), which means that again the film has targeted the majority, and obviously contributes to its estimated £3,000,000 box office figure.

The Purge: Election Year

The Purge: Election Year (which has not had an age rating established yet, but from the basis of the age rating percentages, will be a 15) has, again, a fairly equal split in gender viewings - with males being at 55% and females at 45%. This is, give or take, what could be expected with our film. The highest age rating is also 66% for 15-24 year old viewers, which correlates with what we expect ours to also be. The genre matches ours with it being a thriller, yet is also an action hybrid - which makes it an ideal for this teenager/young adult mixture as it will include suspense and chaos; stereo typically what many people that age tend to enjoy as its much more active to view. The highest class is again C1 at 35%, which again links with the estimated box office figure of £4,000,000.

Overall Opinion:
I believe all above films resonate with our chosen film age and gender choices as they cover the amass of viewers to get the highest box office rating, ultimately, similar to what the above films also do. The films all have the highest age rating at 15-24, which ours is almost exact to, and also has an almost even gender viewing rate, or a tad higher for females; which I expect ours would be similar to. Class has not been established with our group, but I believe it would also be within the majority of the C1 population, the highest in the UK.

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