Friday 1 April 2016

Evaluation: Question 3-Jess Smith

Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

We have produced a low budget thriller film as independent, British film production company and because of this thriller not being a big blockbuster, made by Warner Brothers, for example, it means the distribution would be most likely through digital viewing, instead of traditional. But popular, American production companies such as Paramount (figure 1), Universal (figure 2), Pixar (figure 3) and Disney (figure 4 and gif 4) would always be distributing their high budget film in cinema's, as it would allow a larger revenue to be made.

Similar to the films made by British film production companies, such as Aardman Animations (figure 5), Baby Cow Productions (figure 6) and Big Talk Productions (figure 7). 
Figure 1

Figure 5

Figure 2

Figure 6

Figure 3

Figure 7

Figure 4

Gif 4

Because of the shift in technology throughout the last years more consumers are becoming producers and making low-budget films, due to the easy access we have to smart phones with good quality camera's and other cheap camera's, also producing good quality. 

There are now many different ways to distribute films, especially those made on a low budget as more film exhibitions, such as galleries and small, independent cinema's are welcoming to these types of films. Larger, mainstream cinema's, such as the Odean, Vue or Cineworld also sometimes allow independent films to be shown but on their smallest screen at less popular times in the day for customers, therefore targeting your film at an independent cinema would be better as they would more accepting. 

Film exhibition had changed and developed, from the Analogue age to the Digital age. However production companies still have two choices, one being to have their film distributed by an independent film distribution company. This type will included licensing (the distribute is given legal rights to exploit the film by the film production company, in return for money) and the production company will be advertising the film, therefore it is a big risk, as it is unknown whether it will generate an audience and money and the cuts will split between the distribution company and the production company.

Independent film distribution companies in the UK are usually managed by Indie distributors and one example of this would be Metrodome. They began in 1995 as a private company and are a "ambitious film group" that hope to become the largest rights management group in the UK and are capable of this as they have many small companies targeting different types of film within the company. They have distributed many films from comedies, thrillers, horror, action, documentary, war and Asian. The full list can be found at their website:

Or the production company could chose the less traditional way and distribute their film themselves and take advantage of the wide range of possibilities in this new 'digital age'. This will mean the production company will allow their film to be watched on YouTube or Vimeo. Money can be easily made by this if advertising is allowed to be on before/during or after the film is streamed and every bit of money made will go straight to the production company. 

Analogue Age: Cinema, TV and DVD
Figure 8

~Audiences are now relying less on their local cinema to display new films as ticket prices are constantly increasing (figure 8) and cinema venues are also decreasing in numbers, therefore less convenient for people, leading to less people going to the cinema (figure 9).

Figure 9
~Film's are also getting shown less on mainstream TV channels and are only every played once, therefore not reliant. 

~DVD sales are also decreasing because of everything becoming digital. 

Digital Age: Phones, Tablets, Smart TV, Consoles YouTube, Sky, BT, Virgin Media, Vimeo, Netflix and Amazon, Lovefilm, plus many more. 

~This method of watching films has now become the most popular because it can be mobile, used by all ages and used on the go, such as on planes, cars and buses or in the comfort of your home and starting with £5.99 per month. 

~Netflix was only released in 2012 in the UK, but has since become very popular as it can be used on Smart TV's, iPad, Mac's, smartphones, and multiple people can use one account. In 2014 3 million British households subscribed to Netflix, which was twice as many as 2013. This shows that more people prefer this viewing experience, in comparison to going to the cinema, therefore it would be your distribution company's aim to get your film on Netflix. 

Due the growth of Broadband throughout the wold, it has enabled more moving image to be downloaded/streamed on mobile devices, anywhere with internet connection. YouTube is seen as such a positive platform for films to premiered on because of it being the 3rd most popular website and with the worldwide audience and the fact that it's it's cost-free. For example, the 93 minute comedy "Time Expired" by Nick Lawrence in 2011 has been viewed 2,000-3,000 times each day and they have earned $3,400 just in revenue from allowing adverts to be shown. 

Microsoft released the Xbox One in 2013 and enabled gamer's to stream movies, TV shows and connect to Netflix if you have an account. Microsoft then said that Xbox Live members were now spending the majority of their time watching TV, music and films on this platform, therefore they modified their dashboard to an 'entertainment hut', to please users. 

Big, blockbuster film will be advertised on large scale markets and this will done by the distributes. But my film will be distributed by an independent company and their budget will be very small. But advertisement using posters and trailers can be produced on a small budget. Or giving out burnt disk's to people in the streets, hiring local, small cinema screens and promoting vire social media. 

Large scale advertising can be done in a range ways, such as:

  • film posters, 
  • billboards,
  • tv/radio/cinema adverts
  • bus posters
  • trailers
  • merchandise,
  • film festivals
  • publicity appearances on talk shows
If I had to pick an independent film distribution company I would choose Curzon Cinema's because they have distributed films with based at the same target audience (15-25) and they have small screens throughout the UK, ensuring it's getting seen by a wider audience and would be more affordable for younger people to go and watch. 

But although this is a good way to distribute my film, I have decided to do it independently, without the 'middle person' and distribute it onto YouTube. This way I will get to a global audience and will be more accessible for my target audience to view, as the website is very popular with students. I will also be able to generate a good amount of revenue from allowing advertisement before or during or after it's show. Social media will pay an important role in promoting my film and burnt DVD disc's will be given out to the public for free to create a hype. I believe this will be the most effective way of getting to my target audience. 

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