Thursday 3 December 2015

Assignment Of Roles - Jess Smith


-Main Camera Operator
-Location Scout
-Casting Director

We have chosen Sam to carry out these specific roles for many different reasons. He already had an idea as to where we should shoot the scene, therefore we all agreed that he should be the location scout. Sam also has had the most experience with using camera's and felt comfortable filming, therefore we trusted him the most. In addition, the reason for allocating the role of being the casting director to Sam was because, similarly to having location idea's he also had people in mind that we could use for our filming as actors, which was great.


-Second Camera Operator
-Storyboard Artist
-Prop Manager

We've chosen Maria to be the second camera operator because we knew it would be wise to have someone to assist Sam if he needs help with anything or if he's not around one day. Maria was also confident with handling a camera and happy to also be responsible for filming. In addition, Maria was voted the best drawer out of the three of us, therefore we all agreed she would be the most appropriate for the storyboard. Maria was then signed the prop manager because she is aware of what will work with the actors in the scene and fit with the storyline.


-Sound Recorder
-Director Of Filming

The group assigned me with the role of sound manager because Sam and Maria were already allocated camera operating, therefore it was better for me to manage the sound as they would be focussing of filming and camerawork. I also believe I will also know what sound is working and what isn't effective for the scene, therefore I'm happy for that reasonability. I'm also the director of filming because it will be easier for the camera operators to stop and start filming if they have someone telling them. It will be more effective for this person not to be operating the camera. Because I will have to my eyes on the actors the whole time I will be extremely focussed and aware of when to stop and start filming.

1 comment:

  1. Again, great use of imagery to bring it alive. You could also add a mug shot of the relevant person?
