Wednesday 2 December 2015

Shot Reverse Shot - Jess Smith

Shot Reverse Shot is a continuity editing technique used when filming and is the display of  character one looking at character two. A shot will then follow this of character two looking at character one. Therefore it creates each shot is the reverse of the previous one. this is usually done during a conversation between the two characters. Both shots use either a point of view or over the shoulder shot.

This technique uses the 180* rule, therefore creates eye line match in close up shots. This is done by a three camera set up sequence. This technique was used to be described as "invisible editing" because of the simplicity of it and stayed in the bounds of continuous time. However current filmmakers use it more dramatically, making it more pronounced.

Using this technique creates intensity because each character is shown looking at the other character who is usually off screen therefore it gives the audience a sense of mystery and anticipation.

These images are both visual examples on how Shot Reverse Shot would be shown the an audience:

This is a diagram of the camera positions from a birds eye view:                        

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