Wednesday 9 December 2015

Props and Costume - Jess Smith

This image below is the plan myself and Maria drew up on what props will be used in the scene and the costumes each character will wear.

We knew we wanted the clothing to be simple, yet effective, hence the contrast of one actress wearing all black while the other actress wearing all white. We did this because we believe it will create a good contrast on the camera for the audience.

The reason we've chosen a black bag for the scene is for when Alichia pulls out sheets of paper to show Emily, therefore she needs a holding place for them. Including a bag at the beginning  of the scene also creates anticipation for the audience as to what will be inside the bag, creating suspense.

We decided to have Emily in the white because she is the most innocent out of the two characters. We also thought having a colourful bracelet on her wrist would add new, bright colours on the screen and we feared without any colour the scene could be boring and uninteresting to look at. We also wanted to add makeup on Emily's face to show her un-cleanliness and lack of care for herself. We will do this by using our fingertips to apply dark eye shadow blobs on her face. Emily's messy hair will further support this.

We then decided to make Alichia look more sophisticated by adding a watch to her wrist. The fingerless black gloves will be worn for readers to question what's happening at the current time and also create worry, as they connote burglars and this way she can also have black nail polish on to add to the emo vibe. The black beanie will also be worn on over her hair to further support a sense of danger as burglars also wear them and also suggests she doesn't want to be seen doing this. Furthermore, she will also wear black eyeliner to make her look very dark and this will be done by adding as much black as possible.

This is a screenshot from a newspaper of a murder case. We saw this and thought it'd be perfect to use as the blackmail material that Alichia's character would be producing. (This section was written by Sam McLeish)

1 comment:

  1. God again. Suggest that when you write big chunks of text, look at ways to break it up. Thus the occasional image perhaps or a hyperlink.
