Thursday 3 December 2015

Script and Cast Planning - Sam McLeish

Alichia Jones
During the early stage of the production process, we decided that the film should be in the style of thriller in order to get good practice for the official coursework. As well as this, a thriller film gives us as a team more options to make a memorable piece. 

In terms of cast, I sought the help of Emily Sharpe and Alichia Jones, two friends of mine who are taking Performing Arts at A-Level. I personally thought that they would be perfect for the role as they are both hard-working people and brilliant actors. As this was only a simple and short script, they were happy to help as it would not interfere with their own work. Knowing this, we all set up a Facebook group where we shared the script and also found out when we are all free to film. As a result, we found out that we are all free on a P4 every Friday so that would be an ideal time to film or for anything else that needs to be done.

This script was drafted by myself and approved by Maria and Jess. 

Emily Sharpe
Person A approaches door and enters the room. She stops for a
second in shock and then sits on the table opposite Person B.
Person A; It takes a lot of nerve for you showing your face 
Person B; (shouting) Get out now! I can’t talk to you.
A; Calm down!! Let me explain. (Pulls papers out of a bag)
(Person B reads the papers and gets increasingly angrier)
B; Where did you get these?! (Throws papers across the room)
A; Calm down! (She sneers) You wouldn’t want these to get out 
would we? Now let’s discuss payment.
B; You’re a monster! How could you blackmail your own sister?
A; (She just smiles, gets up and leaves).
I personally feel that this script will be acceptable for this film because it is open to interpretation 
by both the actors and the audience. This  means that the film can go in any direction that it wants
whilst still being a clear thriller.

Here is evidence of the group chat:


1 comment:

  1. Show evidence of your Facebook group that has been set up.
