Thursday 10 March 2016

Audience Feedback #2 - Sam McLeish

Basic draft

For this audience feedback, we showed Melissa our basic draft of the sequence without any of the main audio with it. These are the results;
  • In comparison to the previous audience feedback that we did, this version of the film now contains titles.
  • We have kept the same filters as they have been proven effective in both feedbacks; Melissa said that it establised two clear and seperate locations.
  • The soundtrack has proven to be something that is more difficult than expected. This is why we haven't included one in our draft. However, with the advice from both, we wish to find a soundtrack that starts out slow in the begining and then climaxes at the end to match the action (parrallel sound).
  • Both feedbacks established that the film is most likely to be rated 12 by the BBFC, as we expected also.
Once we have achived the above, there is no reason why we cannot create a successful film that we know will appeal to our target audience.

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