Thursday 24 March 2016

EVALUATION Q6 By Maria Beardall

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Here are a few videos of me talking about the learning process of technology whilst making the Final Piece:


  • lighting can create or destroy a tone, difficulties of backlighting and getting dark meant we used a reflector and an iPhone light to help show and highlight our main character

Camera Part One and Two:

  • if white balance isn't used it can look orange/blue, set in new locations and if there is a change to environment in
  • depth of field can add confusion and create disorientation for the audience, took a while to get desired shot
  • tripods make camera still and look smooth and professional and Steadicams work well for POV shots - hadn't planned to use but worked in favour
  • zooming can look very mechanical and unnatural; didn't use due to that factor, but good if changed zoom settings in between shots
  • had two cameras, caused framing problems, yet fixed in post production 
 Image Part One and Two:

  • Foley's not filmed on location/set can sound unnatural and unreal therefore to overcome this its's ideal to film foley sounds at the time and when used with a lapel microphone the sound can be altered separately from the image - also GarageBand sounds can be layered to create effect, in this case to seem eerie and disorientate the audience; typical to genre
  • dialogue was off screen and recorded with lapel microphones, had to use two people as first voice sounded too causal, can be hard to get right tone when not in 'moment'; had to be rereorded a few times
  • soundtrack had to be thoroughly researched as the cross cutting scenes made it difficult to find just one right soundtrack, therefore used two
 Overall Opinion:

I feel that our group have developed and furthered ourselves tremendously with technologies since beginning the Prelim and what can help convey generic messages in an more efficient manner which the audience will understand and appreciate. All three areas have been progressed in to achieve a higher quality and make the viewing experience more satisfactory by enhancing conventions typical to a thriller specifically.

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