Tuesday 29 March 2016

Evaluation: Question 5-Jess Smith

Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

We recorded two people, aged in our target audience who watched our thriller opening. They gave us feedback on what worked well and what didn't work as well during the end of the final editing stages. It was very important to receive this information because it meant we could tweak any little parts that needed adjusting and could ensure our thriller was targeting our chosen demographic. 

Audience Feedback 1: Henry, aged 17

Narrative: This pie chart is displaying the question answered by girls and boys, aged in our target audience, after I asked "Did you like the narrative of the thriller opening". Out of the 20 people I asked, 97.98% of people said yes, whereas 2.02% of them said no. I believe our narrative appealed to this age group because it creates enigma, therefore keeping their close attention but it also has a shocking scene at the end of the opening. 

Technical Codes: Henry liked the editing of the moving image effect we added onto the whole of the woods scene as he felt it looked distorted and he said it gave the impression that someone was watching the main character, which was great feedback as that was our aim. He also said the use of the black and white effect in the hall scene represented her fear and feelings of being afraid, making sense with the plot of the thriller. But a negative part of editing was the pace of the beginning and middle of the opening which he felt was very slow, but liked it when the pace increased at lot at the end, therefore we cut some middle shots down to avoid boring viewers. 

We showed the opening draft to this audience member before adding the voice over and with a different soundtrack to our final one. We changed the soundtrack because he felt it was very calm, mellow and towards the end was still slow, therefore distracted from the story line. We also felt that the sound would be an issue, so it was very useful he confirmed our fears and we were then happy to change it for something that would fit better for the thriller genre. 

Character: He thought the character's feelings and expressions were told through the black and white effect throughout the hall scene. Female's aged in our target audience might be more understanding of this story line as it deals with stalker issues, which many girls are a victim of nowadays, whether its online or actually in person, whereas less male's are victims of this as girls are stereo typically seen as more vulnerable and easier targets. However some male's are also victim's, therefore our character can relate to them and the audience will be interested to see how they handled, dressed the difficult situation. 

Themes: This opening doesn't give much of an incite to the rest of the film because it isn't clear whether the film will continue on in the present of the past. However it's clear to see that themes of vulnerability, fear, hurt and evil are all going to be included in the whole of the film. The viewer also said he would recommend the film as he can imagine it continuing on to be a good film, which is very positive. 
Audience Feedback 2: Melissa, aged 17
Narrative: She liked the fact that there was two different locations to show the story in and thought each one came across well on camera. 

Technical Codes: She enjoyed the contrast between the black and white to the full colour between the two locations. She also liked the clear image throughout the hall scene against the blurred effect in the woods scene.  She also thought the majority of the opening was set at a very slow pace but it worked well in contrast with the faster, shocking ending. 

After receiving Henry's feedback, we removed the soundtrack and didn't add another one until we'd shown the opening to Melissa and so we asked her how she thought the soundtrack could reflect the ideas presented in the film and she gave us helpful feedback when saying to not "overdo it" and keep it simple. She thought having upbeat music wouldn't work with the story line, therefore a slower, yet still edgy paced soundtrack would be effective. 

Our audience feedback was vital for addressing our target audience as they knew what the audifence would like/dislike. 

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