Thursday 3 March 2016

Title Research and Design-Jess Smith

3. Face Off

~The title sequence used black and white for the text against a moving image background. The use of black and white connotes to the difference between good and bad, supporting the thriller genre. This connects to the target audience by making them question if the film with have good and bad characters, therefore creating anticipation and a further interest in the film's story line. 

~The film title is written in a tall, narrow font style and the first word is written in a white colouring, whereas the second word is in black, however both words are in capital letters (figure 1). The sequence uses a cool animation on the title as both words are shown at the same size at the beginning but after a few seconds there is a shift and the word "off" begins to increase in size and moves closer to the camera lense, as the word "face" gets smaller. This creates an enigma for the audience but this is an effective and interesting way of doing that. The fact that this is done could suggest the film is very black and white, good and bad and that very shocking things happen. 

~The sequence includes the production companies (figure 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) and who the film is by. All names were styled in a short, thick font style in white against a still black background. However the main production company (Touchstone pictures) has a larger blue font because it is part of their brand identification and matches their logo, therefore they stand out the most. 






~There is no additional information shown in the title whatsoever which makes the audience ensure they are concentrating a lot. 

~The title sequence does display 2 of the actors names and they are presented in the same way that the title is with the black and white font colour (figure 8), same style and the shift of one word to the other, zooming in on them at separate times. You can see the difference in figure 9 the first word begins larger and then decreases in size as the black word gets larger in figure 10 and 11. They do have a slight cross over when both words are at the larger size but this is only for a very short time. They have only shown two actors because they wanted to only show the two main characters and this could suggest that the black and white font colour could symbolize their personalities. 

~There is a clear difference between the credit information and the tile of the actors and film because of the backgrounds. The credits are shown first on a plain, still black image and has a very simple look. This is done because by doing it in this order it creates a big build up for the title to be reveled  and  Whereas the title is superimposed on top of a man dressed in black with a gun, which indicated it's a thriller film and creates a tense atmosphere for the audience, making it an effective opening. 

~Throughout the sequence there is a non-diegetic soundtrack playing but there is also a diegetic sound of a gun shot, as it's being held towards the camera lense, giving viewers a shock. 

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