Thursday 28 January 2016

Body Language and Facial Expression-Jess Smith

Body Language

Woods Scene:

~Eliza will begin with a relaxed feeling as she walks through the woods at a normal pace.
~But when she realises someone is following her she will start to walk at a much faster and more scatty manor as she gets nervous, however she will try and stay calm. She will also be focussed at only looking infront of her and will clench her hands.

Hall Scene:
~ Her body language will be very nutural and still becasue she won't moving. 

~There is one shot when she will clench her hands, like she also does in the woods scene. 

~There is also another shot when the camera focusses on her chest to show her breathing which will be at a slow pace. 

Facial Expression

Woods Scene:

~Eliza will have a regular facial expression's when she is first shown in the woods. She is enjoying listening to her music and will be completly content. 

~When she is aware of the man following her, she will then frown her brows, bite her lips and have a very tense face.

~ Hey eyes will be moving up and down at a fast pace. 

Hall Scene:

~She will have a very still face in gerneral. 

~The ony time she will move her face will be when she looks around the room. 

~There will be a shot when she opens her lips to emphasise her slow breathing.

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