Thursday 21 January 2016

Turners Hill Planning (Permission and Location) - Sam McLeish

Evidence of Permission A
Evidence of Permission B
When I was younger, I went to Turners Hill CofE Primary school. I thought that the main hall would be the perfect location because it has lots of room to film and there is the large gothic-style window. After emailing the headteacher who I know quite well, we got permission to film there!

Picture A
Picture B
As shown in picture A, the window is surrounded by furniture;
  • The gym frame cannot be moved so we will film it so that it isn't in the frame.
  • The piano can't be moved so we will cover it with a white sheet which looks ominous to the audience.
  • The audio system is mounted permanently so it will also be covered by a white sheet like the piano.
  • The benches on the floor can be moved away from the shot, or if needed, the actor can stand on them if we shoot a VLA (very low angle shot). 
  • The ladder for the gym frame can be removed from it's mount so it's out the way and the mount won't be noticeable in the frame.
Also, in the left hand corner of both pictures is a fire exit. 

The reason why we will cover up these peices of set above is that the audience gets the impression that the place that they are at is supposedly sterile whilst giving no indication that they are at a school. As a result of this, the audience has no idea where the scene takes places which further creates enigma, which is useful for a tense, thriller opening.

(Added as suggested by comment)

We want to cover up these objects so that we can create an atmospehere of mystery as less props mean that the audience are unaware as to where she is. This is successful because it leaves more to the imagination which creates enigma that is needed in a thriller scene. 


  1. Mention somewhere why it is that you want to cover up the various things - sound , piano , gym etc. What setting is it that you want to create here? Good post
