Wednesday 27 January 2016

Turners Hill Planning (Risk Assessment) - Sam McLeish

Due to poor timings, we were not able to film at the school a risk assessment video. Therefore, these images below will act as such.

Image 1

Image 2
Image 3
In image 1, the hall clearly shows the ropes tied up, shown as '1'. This means it'll be out of the way and will not be a threat to our group. However, we wouldn't be that side of the hall anyway so if they are down, we wouldn't go near them to avoid injury.

Also, as shown is the fire exit, as shown a '2'. This means that we can evacuate easily in case of an emergency. This is also the case for '1' in image 2, which is another fire exit. I am aware of the layout of the building so if we were in another part of the school, we could still get out easily.

Image 3 shows the fire alarm and fire extinguisher by the chair. This is useful because if there is a fire, which is unlikely for a room with a floor that's covered with anti-flammable varnish, we can alert the authorities and evacuate the building.

Also in image 3, it is clear that there is a mounted wall bracket which supports the ladder for the gym frame. This could be dangerous if the actor knocks herself into it. In order to avoid this from happening, we will point this out to the actor so that the chance of this happening is reduced dramatically.

Finally, the gym frame could be a potential danger if we decide to film in a Very High Angle shot of the actor by standing on it. This could lead to broken bones if we fell from a great hight. In order to prevent this from happening, we simply won't do it because we haven't incorporated it in our storyboard and it would be too much of a risk.

Overall, I feel that this would be a safe place to film because as the venue is a school, it would have to be health and safety approved beforehand, and if it failed, it would have to close until it's safe again. Also, as highlighted above, there's not many risks to the venue so I feel confident that we will have a productive shoot.

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