Friday 15 January 2016

The Dissapearence Of Alice Creed (2009-J Blakeson)-Research into Thriller Openings-Scene 2-Jess Smith

Mise en scene
Scene 2
Figure 1
~Following this the camera cuts to a very low angled shot of the two males pushing a shopping trolley at a slow pace (figure 1).
~The off screen sound of the fast paced tapping used in the previous shallow depth of field shot has increased in volume and pace, therefore making this scene even more tense. There is also the suttle diegetic sound of the old, rusted and squicky trolley being pushed along to floor.

~Both men are wearing dark clothing, however the male on the left side of the frame is dressed in all black, whereas the one to the right hand side of the frame is in dark denim and a blue jacket.
~There are some extra colours in this frame, due to the shop setting and the props in it, incorporating orange, yellows and white to the frame. 

~Overall the lighting is bright in the low angled shot because of the artificial ceiling lights in the shop setting, which are visible because of the well placed low angled camera

~Both men have relaxed body language and have calm facial expressions, however they do have that edge to them that they are looking for very specific items in this shop setting. 

~There is then another montage of shots with a fade transition to an extreme close up of a sharp, dangerous sword (figure 2), shown in a bright light. They've edited it so that the sword is in full focus to start with but when his pale hand enters the edge of the frame his hand becomes in focus, transitioning it to a shallow depth of field shot. 
~The sword is deliberately been places in the centre of the frame so the audience can clearly see it and having a white tag on it contrasting with the dark grey colour of it is for the audience. 
~The off screen sound continues for these montage of shots but the on screen trolley sound stops. 
Figure 2
~Furthermore there's then two more close up's of him picking up more props, creating enigma as to why he needs them. 

1 comment:

  1. The objects are being deliberately shown for a purpose - therefore creates enigma.
    The whole sequence is shot from a low angle - why - what does that communicate.


    L3 - good
