Thursday 14 January 2016

Face Off (1997-John Powell): Research into Thriller Openings, Scene 1-Jess Smith

Face Off Analysis:
Mise en scene

Scene One:

Figure 1
~The opening begins with a fade to a long shot (figure 1) of a slow paced moving Merry Go Round in a bright, hopeful and happy lighting. 
~This shot is set in slow motion to ensure the audience get to view this intimate time

 ~The opening shot displays the cast titles through editing and have coloured the first name in white and the second name in black (as shown in figure 2), suggesting that something that begins good, ends in a dark place. They've positioned these titles in the middle of the frame to give the audience the knowledge.

Figure 2

~They've used the editing technique of fade to match the relaxed, calm energy this opening scene has and this is creating enigma for the audience as it isn't a typical thriller opening, so far.

This straight angled shot has off screen backing sound and is done through light sounds such as a triangle or a xylophone being taped very frequently at a medium pace. There is also sounds behind those light, high pitched tones which consist of deep violin's, Cello's and beautiful Harp sounds. By using this sound is doesn't conform with typical thriller films as they usually begin with dramatic or sutle music, however that is also creepy/ mysterious. 

This opening shot is set in a bright, naturally light coloured outdoor area as could be interpreted as a fair ground, as they are shown riding a Ferris wheel. The older male, has a very happy, content facial expression and seems as though he's enjoying time with what looks like his son. The young child also looks happy.
The father figure is using very supportive body language as he is supporting the little boy on his back (figure 3), shown as a medium shot and behind him as he rides the Merry Go Round (figure 4), implying he's a very caring and protective of this child. Through the eye line match and match on match action the audience can assume there is a very close relationship between these two people, as shown in figure 5.
Figure 3

Figure 4


Figure 5

~The costume used on the two male's implies they are regular people, perhaps middle class as they are both wearing present cloths. However the older male is wearing a black jacket and the little boy is wearing a white top with a lightly checked flannel on top, matching the idea that was conveyed through the name titles, that nothing can stay good and things will turn eventually always turn dark. The audience will pick up on this because it is a thriller genre film and things will need to be dark to conform to the thriller conventions. 

~The props used in this scene are simply the parts of the Ferris wheel that the young boy is holding onto, such as horses. Similarly the decoration for this shot is just the surroundings of the wheel, as it fills the whole frame. The Merry Go Round is later shown through an establishing shot (figure 6) through a slow paced dissolve. 
Figure 6


What inspired me?
I really liked this opening scene mainly because it automatically brought a specif feeling to the audience and created a calm atmosphere. This was mainly done through the sound in my opinion because of the use of the light, high and low pitched off screen sound. therefore i hope to use music as effective as this in my film because i think its very impressive how quickly it creates certain feelings. 

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