Thursday 14 January 2016

Face Off (1997-John Powell): Research into Thriller Openings, Scene 4-Jess Smith

Mise en scene

Scene 4 
~In addition, the camera moves into an extreme close up (figure 1) of the guns trigger with his pale fingers on it pulling it back and releasing it. 
~The black gun has a good contrast with the light skin colour and the light green background, making it pleasing and clear for the audience to watch. 
~There is a very sudden, strong cut to the off screen music that had been playing for a while to minimal sound and a Foley of the trigger on the gun being pulled and a bullet coming out.   

Figure 1

~The camera then shows a 3D like zoom of the bullet coming out towards the camera (figure 2), making the audience sit on the edge of their seat.

~The sound is also creating that anxiety as its a sharp, low pitched sound that immediately connoted to death. 
~This extreme close up of the bullet which has cleverly been placed in the centre of the frame is very powerful because it allows the audience to know what is currently happening. It also is very powerful because of the texture of it against the light, blurred background. 
Figure 2

Figure 3
 ~Following the bullet being shot, there's a slow motion medium, low angled, straight shot of the male collapsing and reacting to the wound in his back. 
~There is little sound to this whole scene, however there is a faint, low pitched, quiet sound off screen during his reaction witch is similar to the sound of the wind, creating an edgy feel. 
~The setting is still on the Merry Go Round that the audience have seen multiple times now, bit this time there is a clearer view, due to the low angle and shows the decoration of bright lights on its roof, which creates a lighter feel to the frame. 

Figure 4
~The decoration is very useful for the next shot as he falls off the horse him and his alleged son were riding on in this extreme low angled, tilted medium shot (figure 4). 
 ~This is a very shocking moment because of the severity that has been caused and its worrying for the audience what will happen when he lands of the ground. 
~The colour in this frame is still light and brightly lit due to the natural light and the artificial lights on the roof of the Merry Go Round. 

~There is till very minimal sound to this shot, apart from the extremely faint, light sound, similar to wind. 
~Following this, there's a sudden dissolve to another zoomed shot from a close up shot to an extreme close up but of the horse on the ride with a splat of red blood (figure 5)
~And this close up shot is set in a sepia colouring, creating a great look on the frame. 
~The sound used in this zoom is parallel to the shot and works very well because it's used an off screen, shocking, high pitched noise and its worked incredibly well.
Figure 5
What inspired me?
~Overall i thought this was a very effective opening to a thriller film because of the little use of sound, however how it was included when necessary and really made the scene. I also thought the enigma created was good becasue we dont know why he shot that man, therefore is makes the audience feel very on edge and wanting answers.
~They appeal to our target audiene because it is frightening enough for young adults, yet not unrealistic. 
~I thought their narrative was organized well and was clear, yet still created an enigma.

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