Thursday 28 January 2016

Synopsis by Maria Beardall, Rating by Sam McLeish

Our storyline consists of two scenes cross cutting between each other to show a link between the two.

Hall Scene     Woods Scene      Both

The first scene, in a hall, will be in complete grey scale, and what will be seen is a hall with gothic style windows as the main character (also victim) is in the middle of the room in a plain, white dress. There can be speculation as to where she is, but it has been set in our minds that she is in some sort of 'heaven' ideal and it echoes her mind, conveyed by the voice over will start from this scene and carry on between the two with foleys too. There will be shots of her breathing, walking and looking around the room. She is unaware of where she is, and the scenes of the hall and woods are linked as the opening switches between the two as her description becomes reality in the second scene.

It will then intercut to her in the woods as she is being followed, starting with the same main character on her phone, unaware she is being followed. She is being followed by an unknown antagonist which is not seen. Through the scene she starts to realise she is being watched and becomes very aware of that fact, dropping her earphones as she feels uncomfortable and vulnerable. The whole opening ends when she is grabbed by the shoulder by the person following her, to which it fades to black and the titles appear.

(addded after comment)

After the suggestion of filming with the background blurred, we asked the technicians how we could create a blurred affect for the background. One of the technicians kindly introduced us to 'spot focus', by which you can manually choose which part of the frame you would like in focus. To find this option, you click 'Menu', to 'Other Options', and then 'Spot Focus'. The camera is touch screen so you gently tap the part of the screen, according to the frame, that you would like in focus.

In terms of the content explored in our film, I would expect it to be classed as a 12/12A by the BBFC because "Action sequences and weapons may be present at 12A or 12, and there may be long fight scenes or similar. Weapons which might be easily accessible to 12 year olds (such as knives) should not be glamorised in 12A and 12 works." There is very little violence in our sequence and no weapons at all. However, it creates a disturbing effect that wouldn't be appropriate for a PG. Therefore it only seems right for it to be a 12.


  1. This is just a suggestion. It may be quite difficult to completely fool your audience with the school hall setting. I would ask the technicians about how you can film in manual focus which would then allow you to just have your subject in focus and th surrounding blurred. Ask them about how you can do this.

    The shot of her dropping the earphones - emphasise this and use a close up or maybe a slow motion as they fall to the ground. You could experiment with that this week and film your results.

    1. Thank you for the comment, I will ask the technicians and update/add this to my post.

      We also will test with the speed of the clip of her dropping her earphones, thank you.
