Monday 25 January 2016

Risk Assessment of the Woods-Jess Smith

~We have chosen to film half of our thriller opening in a wooded area. This is mainly because it worked well with the element of fear if Eliza is surrounded by tree's and there is the feeling that she can't escape this area and that she is completely alone. 

~This area may be used in the opening, however it isn't decision that is set in stone because this is quite an open space and a narrower area may be better, however it is an option.

~This area will be used for the stalking process because the empty, small tree's create a spooky atmosphere.  

~This is one of the pathways we will be filming Eliza walking down. We chose this area because of the narrow pathway emphasizes the close proximity between Eliza and the person following her.

~Furthermore, filming in an outdoor, natural setting it creates risks which could potentially cause harm to the filming crew or the actors, therefore the risks need to be established so that they can be prevented. All the images below will be the area's used in the filming process. 

This bridge will be used to walk across to get the narrow pathway, which is on the other side. However risk's come with this, such as:

1.Losing balance and dropping equipment in the stream when walking across  ~Prevented by ensuring all pieces of equipment are in a case and each person walking across the bridge only carries as much as they can handle. 

2.Falling into the water ~Prevented by not running/walking fast over the bridge but at a steady, slow pace. 

1.This causes a falling/dropping equipment hazard in the thick mud~Prevented by all members going into the woods wear suitable shoes with a grip and not walking straight into it if it can be avoided. 

1. This slanted tree stump could harm a tall person's head if they walk into it~Prevented by always looking forward and in font of you

1.These thick tree roots that are coming through the ground could trip someone up and they could be holding equipment~Prevented by looking where you're about to walk at all time and to always have a tight grip on the equipment. 

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