Friday 15 January 2016

The Dissapearence Of Alice Creed (2009-J Blakeson)-Research into Thriller Openings-Scene 4-Jess Smith

Mise en scene
Scene 4
~In addition, the camera makes a cut to a low angled long, tracking shot of the two men walking in a wooded area, full of green and brown colourings (figure 1).

~This shot establishes the setting very well by showing all the tree trunks and twigs throughout the frame and due to this natural setting it's possible to incorporate some natural light between the trunks and some more colours to the whole frame.   

~They are both carrying some props of large shovel's which creates the enigma for watchers and have strong, upright bodies and serous facial expressions, continuing their determination for completing this unknown task. 

~They're still wearing the same costumes as before with the blue jacket and jeans, along with the dark grey jacket on the other male. 

Figure 1
~There is the continued off screen sound of the fast faced, repeating tapping noise in this scene and the added non diegetic sound of a very low, slow paced cello sound

~There is then a cut to them having eyeline match (figure 2) in a two shot image and a dark brown tree trunk in the centre of the frame, between their serious, determined faces. 

~There is the continuation of the off screen cello sound, however it has increased in volume and has become deeper in tone, creating a sense of foreboding and there is also the continuation of the brown colourings with a patch of natural light through the trunks and their costume colours, but the man with the shovel over his shoulder is also wearing a yellow glove, adding more colour to the centre of the frame. 

Figure 2

What has inspired me?
~Overall I really enjoyed the opening 2 minutes of this film because it was very action filled and each shot had something happening in it, which was thrilling to watch. I like the way they didn't include any dialogue in the opening and it was just sound effects because it created a greater sense of enigma. 

~I do believe this will appeal to our target audience because the settings used are regular places that have been turned into a film set which is amazing to see. I also think they've made it into a great thriller film so far becasue of the regualr settings being seen in a different light through the action on camera. 

~I also thought the way they showed the narrative was good. It wasn't too obvious but it gave viewers enough knowledge to not be entirely confused. 
~I don't think this film will comply to Todorov's theory because I don't believe the disruption will get solved. 

1 comment:

  1. Good Jess.

    You need to extend your analysis and include more as to why you think these decisions are being made.
    Still very good and excellent use of terminology

